Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Gadget

Blogging using my new Vaio from Sony. Thanks to mother.
Previously I use iBook from Mac.
That's when I did my degree 5 years back.
It still can be use except that you have to have other screen to flash it out.
No laptop when doing A-Level. ha ha. memories.

I'm working and studying in the same time.
It important for me to attend to my email since we are communicating through email.
No time to meet as we have different working hours. My group mate worked as a flight attendant, bankers, IT specialist and most of them are married.
So I bought blackberry curve. You can just email me anytime and I will attend to it. haha.

Thank god that my working time is fixed now.
Monday to Friday 9-6.
Class on Sunday 9 -5.
I'll be free every Saturday FYI/FYA.

It's Earth Hour now. I swicth everything off except for laptop and ceiling fan.
Can consider me concern citizen of Earth : ) Proud of myself!

I'll be meeting Massy and Wan tomorrow for rock climbing session after class.
Can't wait!

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